YouTube Integration


Conduit allows you to integrate YouTube data into your analytics seamlessly. However, it's important to note some key aspects of this integration to ensure accurate data analysis.

Conduit's YouTube integration provides you with a report that includes a maximum of 200 rows (representing 200 videos) sorted by the number of views for that day. In essence, this report offers insights into the top 200 daily viewed videos on your YouTube channel. This information can be valuable for tracking video performance.

Data Delays and Timezone settings

YouTube analytics data, such as views, is based on Pacific Standard Time (PST). This data is updated once a day and may have a delay of up to 72 hours. Keep in mind that the numbers you see in Conduit's Analytics reports might differ from those you find on the video page, channel page, Video Manager, or other sources.

Connecting Your YouTube Account with Conduit:

To integrate your YouTube channel with Conduit, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Conduit account.

  • Go to the "Connections" section.

  • Select "YouTube" from the list of available integrations.

  • Click on the "Connect" button next to the YouTube integration.

  • You'll be prompted to log in to your YouTube account. Enter your YouTube credentials.

  • Once logged in, grant Conduit access to your YouTube data.

  • Conduit will now start collecting data from your YouTube channel.

Monetization Metrics

||| In case your channel is not part of the YouTube Partner Program, the channel metrics will not be displayed

Data related to monetization, like estimated revenue and ad revenue, is available only for YouTube Partner channels. Here's a list of the available metrics:


  • Date

  • Channel ID

  • Channel Name

  • Video ID

  • Video Title

  • Video Duration (seconds) \


  • Views

  • Red Views

  • Comments

  • Likes

  • Dislikes

  • Videos Added To Playlists

  • Videos Removed From Playlists

  • Shares

  • Estimated Minutes Watched

  • Estimated Red Minutes Watched

  • Average View Duration

  • Average View Percentage

  • Annotation CTR

  • Annotation Close Rate

  • Annotation Impressions

  • Annotation Clickable Impressions

  • Annotation Closable Impressions

  • Annotation Clicks

  • Annotation Closes

  • Card Click Rate

  • Card Teaser Click Rate

  • Card Impressions

  • Card Teaser Impressions

  • Card Clicks

  • Card Teaser Clicks

  • Subscribers Gained

  • Subscribers Lost\

Partner metrics Those will be zeroed if your account is not a member of the partnership program

  • Estimated Revenue

  • Estimated Ad Revenue

  • Gross Revenue

  • Estimated Red Partner Revenue

  • Monetized Playbacks

  • Playback Based CPM

  • Ad Impressions

  • CPM

Last updated