Shopify Net Sales and Returns
You use figures from Shopify analytical reports. Conduit also uses the raw data from Shopify for reporting. However, the Returns metric is different. Because of that, the Net Sales metrics also differ. Let me explain why.
Let’s say today is November 27th.
To calculate Returns, Shopify will find all the orders with Return Date = Nov-27 but the Created Date can be any date. To calculate Returns, Conduit will take the orders with the Created Date = November 27, but their Return Date is any date after November 27.
If we follow the Shopify logic, ROI / ROAS/ MER of the ad campaign on November 27 is affected by orders created on other dates. I believe it’s counterintuitive and wrong.
I think the Shopify logic was designed to calculate the correct Cash Balance. Still, for marketing purposes, this logic is wrong.
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